HERE Cancellation Policy
HERE Retreats
All payments made are non-refundable. Rationale being that in the unfortunate event that a participant is unable to attend the HERE Retreat in person the video recordings of the main sessions will be made available to the participant after the event.
If you have paid in full but been unable to attend the HERE Retreat and would like to receive the recordings of the main sessions, please contact the HERE Retreat team at
Healing and Education Retreat Experience (HERE) Staff reserve the right to cancel the event in the case of civil unrest, natural disaster or other major catastrophe. In the event of cancellation of the event in its entirety, you will receive a full refund of any fees paid. You agree to release HERE and its agents and/or representatives from any liability, including consequential expenses you may have incurred in planning to attend. We will provide you with documentation to support a claim to your travel insurance provider for flights and other expenses not paid to HERE.
Refunds will be sent within 30 days of receipt of notice of cancellation.